Post-Processor for 4-axis milling for Radiel and Axiel milling. **Radial:** Check the Radial [[|pdf]] for description of the approach. Download post processor. [[|Fanuc_Radial.fgf]] **Axial:** To get correct texts in Axial milling, you need a machine that manages polar interpolation. You can mill texts without polar interpolation, but the characters will not be 100% correct. It will be more incorrect when milling near the center of the workpiece. Check the Axial [[|pdf]] for description of the approach. Download post processor. [[|Fanuc_Axial.fgf]] Post processor for Axial milling with Polar Interpolation support (G112, G12, G12.1). \\ X = X * 2 \\ Y = C \\ Z = Z \\ Download post processor. [[|Fanuc_Axial_G112.fgf]]