Table of Contents


Outside of a function

0 = Linear movement with rapid feed (G0)
1 = Lineat movement with feed (G1)
2 = Circular movement (G2/3)
3 = Circular movement (G2/3)
Space = Repeat last function
Å = Undo last NC-function

When a point should be selected/inputted

Enter = Show input field
Double-click on the drawing = Show input field with the values preset to the mouse pointers position
0-9 = Start input and show the input field


F1 = Show help of current function
Arrow keys = Pan
Page up = Zoom in
Page down = Zoom out
N = Zoom fit
O = Pan to mouse-pointer\\ P = Pan
Z = Zoom in
U = Zoom out
Esc = Cancel function


Right click = Cancel function
Left/Middle button = Pan
Mouse wheel= Zoom in/out