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wiki:en:2dcam:hotkeys [2017/01/20 15:34]
admin created
wiki:en:2dcam:hotkeys [2018/02/07 19:24]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Hotkeys ====== 
-===== Outside of a function ===== 
-0 = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuNCG0|Linear movement with rapid feed (G0)]]\\ 
-1 = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuNCG1|Lineat movement with feed (G1)]]\\ 
-2 = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuNCG23|Circular movement (G2/3)]]\\ 
-3 = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuNCG23|Circular movement (G2/3)]]\\ 
-Space = Repeat last function\\ 
-Å = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuNCUndo|Undo last NC-function]]\\ 
-===== Vid angivelse av punkt ===== 
-Enter = Show [[wiki:en:2dcam:inputfield|input field]]\\ 
-Double-click on the drawing = Show [[wiki:en:2dcam:inputfield|input field]] with the values preset to the mouse pointers position\\ 
-0-9 = Start input and show the [[wiki:en:2dcam:inputfield|input field]]\\ 
-===== Misc ===== 
-F1 = Show [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuHelp|help]] of current function\\ 
-Arrow keys = Pan\\ 
-Page up = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuZoomIn|Zoom in]]\\ 
-Page down = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuZoomOut|Zoom out]]\\ 
-N = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuZoomFit|Zoom fit]]\\ 
-O = Pan to mouse-pointer\\ 
-P = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuPan|Pan]]\\ 
-Z = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuZoomIn|Zoom in]]\\ 
-U = [[wiki:en:2dcam:mnuZoomOut|Zoom out]]\\ 
-===== Mouse ===== 
-Right click = Cancel\\ 
-Left/Middle button = Pan\\ 
-Mouse wheel= Zoom in/out\\ 
wiki/en/2dcam/hotkeys.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/07 19:24 (external edit)